Coding Courses

Coding Courses

C,C++ Programming

  1. Introduction of Programming Languages
  2. C Introduction and Variables
  3. ‘C’ Tokens
  4. Control Statement and Expressions
  5. Looping
  6. Arrays and Strings
  7. Functions
  8. Pointers
  9. Structure and Unions
  10. File Handling using ‘C’
  11. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  12. C++ Tokens and Type Casting
  13. Classes & Objects
  14. Function in C++
  15. Constructors and Destructors
  16. Operator Overloading
  17. Inheritance
  18. Working with files
  19. Exception Handling
hdca 2

Advanced Python

  1. Introduction To Python
  2. Introduction To Datatypes
  3. Programming Concepts
  4. Functions & Modules
  5. Functions & Modules
  6. Object Oriented Programming
  7. Files And Exception Handling
  8. Gui Development Using Tkinter
  9. Introduction To Pyqt
  10. Basic And Advanced Widgets
  11. Sql & Sql Constrains
  12. Database Handling With Sql Lite
  13. Introduction To Web Designing
  14. Introduction To Client Side Scripting
  15. Document Object Model(dom)
  16. Basic Study Of Django Framework
  17. Django /templates And Form Details
  18. Django Admin Customization
  19. Object Relational Mapping(orm)
  20. Rest Apis And User Authentication
  21. Deploying Django Framework

Advanced JAVA

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Object Orientation
  3. Errors and Exceptions & Multi-Threading
  4. Collections
  5. I/O and file Handling
  6. JAVA 8 New Features
  7. JAVA 8 Stream API
  8. Graphical User Interfaces
  9. Connecting to Databases Using JDBC
  10. Introduction to Web Designing
  11. Introduction Client-Side Scripting
  12. Servlet
  13. JSP
  14. Database Concepts
  15. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  16. Data Encryption
  17. Java Mail API
  18. XML in Java
  19. Web Service
  20. EJB

Android Studio

  1. Getting started with Android
  2. Android Tools
  3. Activities
  4. User Interface
  5. Advanced User Interface development
  6. Adaptive design
  7. Intents
  8. Fragments
  9. Json introduction
  10. Connectivity
  11. Advanced concepts
  12. Data Persistence
  13. Database in Android-Configuration
  14. Database in Android-Implementation
  15. Firebase introduction
  16. Crash Reporting & AdMob
  17. Firebase in android
  18. Realtime Database
  19. Server push notification
  20. Firebase cloud messaging
  21. Google services
  22. Webservice
  23. Implementation of Postman in Webservice
  24. Introduction to Networking Library
  25. Retrofit in android
  26. Login & Register Using Retrofit
  27. List using Retrofit
  28. Image loading using Glide library
  29. Advanced operation
  30. Publishing android app
android studio


  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction To Dart
  3. Setting up Flutter
  4. Introducing Widget
  5. Common Widget in Flutter
  6. Stateless and Stateful Widgets- The Concept
  7. Navigating through Navigation
  8. Handling User Input.
  9. User Interface
  10. Asynchronous Functions
  11. Working with Remote Data
  12. Using 3rd Party Packages
  13. Other Useful Widgets


Web Designing

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  4. PHP
  5. My SQL

Dot Net

  1. Controller
  3. View Bag And View Data
  4. Models and View Models
  5. Data Annotations and Validations
  6. CRUD Operation with and w/o Entity Framework
  7. Lambda Expressions and LINQ
  8. Security
  9. Web API 2
  10. Cloud DB & Publishing
